Saturday, May 28, 2011


SDesiGN Project

Well before this hanya MBA Sapphire jew yang diubah dan diperspecialkan. Yeay to that! Now untuk seorang lagi member. Moto apez nie sepatutnya jadi seperti ini lama dah, tp xsabar punya pasal pegi bagi amateur yg buat, jadi cam gampang. Well when everything goes so bad, solution are simple. Refer to the Master. Me! hahaha~ Nie project kecil2 ntuk memantapkan image KRISS. huhu.

Red and White. Theme nie datang dari colour scheme YAMAHA LC 135 5Speed Clutch. Nice Decal design. Apez suka, balik beli spray tin, start work. Start at 11.00am till 4.30pm.. Hasilnyew? Awesome!!! hahaha 

But, Nie citer selepas.. AHAHAHAA!


Hey, inilah Jane, age 23. Diploma in Sexy and Kawaii, 34-28-36.
Hell yeah~ hahaha joke! Ni artwork bodoh2 buat time bosan2. Jane nie trace dari paper dari LDK semester 4. Seems so cute, well got to do something right? =) Well then by using Illustrator, and Photoshop. God dammed sangatlah susah buat benda nie ikut cara dak2 Graphic wat. huhuhu. Maklumlah ada tablet PC dah xleh berfungsi dengan betul.. Huhu Tablet xpat beli ag an? So wat lah yg termampu..


Masa Terisi

Berakhirlah Diploma.
Dan bila sampai ke rumah di kampung, hidup mula menjadi bosan, selalu terbangun pukul 7 pg atau 8 pg teringat nk bangkit ke bengkel. Wat kerja2.. tetapi semua dah berakhir. How sad.. Huhuhu. Tak dew sangat aktiviti dekat rumah nie, makan-makan-tidur-tidur. Blog pon lama xupdate, memandangkan broadband dah xdew..Dah nk jadi apa ntah? Kerja? Well suck~ Susah ler nk menunggu2 nieh.. serius damn shit nk menunggu. Macam2 dan merata2 dah aq mintak, still.. waiting.
Dalam nunggu2 tu ada project best.
Task: Design Decal for my uncle Superbike.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Movie! Movie! Movie!
Owkey movie baru nk cerita kat korang semua, before im leaving Kedah, im doing it for the last. This time it change all of it. So bersama Pija, Sid, And Epul, aq g usha panggung. Thor. God of Thunder, God dammed, My God! Citer nie awesome gile!

The Dawn of Paddy Field

Place where all the sweat and joy for the last three years come together to be reminded, Hell Yeah im doing so good here, even though im not on the list of the best student, but for me my self, im a damn good designer to be know with my all friends. Posting kali nie ntuk show kat korang semua follower, a story and design made it pioneer. Enjoy...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The last That i Remember ( Missed )

As all we know, we hate to be so far apart from each other.
It happen to me lately as i can remember, and ill always remember it.
Its has been three years here on land of motherfucker paddy. Hate this area Cemeling so much, Bad place to called home, really.

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