Sunday, July 17, 2011



Ladies and Gentleman. Jom makanlah?
Mana? Seroni Nyonya Cuisine Restaurant.

60 & 62 Taman Melaka Raja 1, Jalan Melaka Raya 24, Melaka
Telephone: (06) 281-4848
Hours: 11:30am – 2:30pm (lunch),
 6:00pm – 10:00pm (dinner)


Owkey, Seroni nie tempat aq keje part time. the place was awesome. I like the menu so much.. 
honestly, aq rasa aq brani cakap kerja kat restorent nie mmg xbosan sbnrnya. t
ambah pulak yang datang bukan selalunya orang tempatan, most of them are foreigner. 
Some came from Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, UK, Australia, USA and many more. 
Daa~ its cool sometimes to meet kawaii anime look like Japanese girl or very look like Taylor Swift. it is so different. 
masakan dekat sini Halal. antara lauk pauk yg ada, sambal petai ikan bilis, chap choi, rendang ayam, udang masak lemak, and sweet sour fish. Ouchh~ sedap tau.
Tempat ni pon pernah dikunjungi oleh Jalan-jalan Cari Makan, so agak high class jgk la.. stilll with that kind of visit, seroni nie pekerja xmcm terlalu formal. Like me, part time, apa yg rasa sesuai pakai, selesa, pakai. meaning xdew baju yg kena look fancy all time.. kinda nice actually. Plus the bos, Mr.Booney, are so cool and nice tokey. hehehe.

Yang patut semua cuba, Cendol. Sungguh sedap, sebulan dok sini rasa cam xjemu nk hirup sedikit.. huhuhu XD

Me, Apez and Kak Ira.

Mok and Kak Ira.

2nd Floor at Seroni - I always work here.

3rd Floor at Seroni - Jarang guna tp bila ada function, whoohh!! Sungguh penat nk naik turun tangga. Yup, this is not super market, no elevator, just stair. Damn tired~ XC

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