Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Edition from brothers

Hye semua, hari nie nk buka ncerita dan pendedahan baru kat korang. Aq check out Internet so dapat berita baru, Lotus kuarkan 6 model yang latest. So amaze that it kill my soul which tight up to Lambo, Merc, Ferrari, BMW and others super galactic car design! So amaze that they actually used Evora body as a platform to create new product for new kind of look. OMG~
checks this out..

design ntuk model2 nie betol2 pecah tradisi design Lotus sendiri, nampak lebih garang.
Concept City ( model based Proton EMAS ), Lotus Eterne, Lotus Elan, Lotus Espirit, Lotus Elite, dan Lotus Elise, Model above. More clear image?

City Concept





Done well Lotus..
Thumbs Up~
p/s; Bila pula Proton nk berubah seperti ini..mungkin nanti..

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