Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dendam kesumat

Okey disebabkan cerita dekat Facebook nnt akan jadi satu issue coz tempat tu terbaik ntuk publicity kata orang pon kan. Jadi aq bukak cerita kesumat nie dekat 
tempat aq, 
ruang aq, 
rumah siber aq. 

Sensored, maybe yes nope i dont know yet .

Okey this story goes way back a few weeks ago, maybe a month since i stop publishing post. The story is, i kinda doesnt like my beloved NN go to some occasion from her faculty for some shit assignment and getting home late. WTF is that? I know that is the work u have to do but weh bodoh, consider this. She is a girl, and the way back to home at fasa 4 Lembah Bujang is dark and ugly places belong to thief, per do, orang tua gatal yg sangat bangsat, and xlupa kat dak2 moto yg non educated such a goat person. Plus for that day, its raining. So this what i came out when i know, (on facebook)

"...Sampai pukul 10 malam balik lah, xpayah nk hold orang lama2. Xperasan kew luar tu dah malam, hujan, bahaya dengan keadaan kawasan yang xselamat. Consider anak2 buah la ketua, banyak lagi bahan nk sampaikan info."

Then the BUTTHURT episode!
They ( POPULAR COURSE ON UiTM KEDAH - popular with trash talk and Demon whisper)

A hint:
The Administration.
The Carnival about Region.

Yeah, butthurt? im not be so censored to let people know who i really hate most.
That is not the problem, the problem they hate me most because this one particular DAMN RICH WOMEN,
my best friend GIRL FRIEND telling shit talk to her fellow. Telling to me at home that everybody is looking at me, it pissed me off bitch! and because of her, oh wait! This one cool.. before this happen, si betina kaya lhanat nie boleh plak pi mintak maaf dekat kawan2 dy bagi pihak balak dy, nice weh. mmg mulia hidup ko tp ko terlupa aq sebagai KAWAN ko lah hanjing. Oh celaka. Not only that, at the night i almost have a great fight, she  somewhere at Dewan Sarjana telling this to NN,

'' semua salah kau lah, kalau kau bagi taw kau balik dengan siapa dekat afiq mesti hal nie xjadi."


Im telling you, this is not ur problem this is mine. Never let other people involve in it but ko sangat2lah pandai wahai Nahfa membuatkan orang yang xde terlibat dilibatkan. So what are u telling of me on your angry friends?

"... aq marah bukan sebab apa coz aq dengar dari apa nafa citer ko sampai nk bawak kapak semua, liat sangat kau nk mintak maaf dengan kami kenapa? itu jew." - Her friend.

".. walhal dia yang datang rumah aq, gegar rumah aq cakap korang nk hentak aq, sapa xpanas hati weh. aq xdew nk bertindak membabi buta kalu benda leh setal cara elok."

my best friend kinda cool with this, coz? Oh yeah! Makwe ko dah mintak maafkan ntuk pihak kau, oh boleh pulak begitu. Come on! Bitch lah kau betina sial. Kau lepaskan kau ngan pakwe kau, aq dan NN yang kau tarik masuk kau kontang kantingkan. Lahanat nyer orang~~~

Nowadays, im FUCKING u up dey~
When i see or hearing your voice, only curse came out from my dark heart and let it shout out lout,
Oh, nk aq mintak maaf. Beres. Done already nafa,
Tp kau xde mintak maaf dekat aq pon. Public and Personal. Fuck off lah sial, kenapa?
Kau takut?
ha ha?
*middle finger rise high.

FYI, ill never came to visit ur family in the future if u understand what i meant and perhaps it will never work.

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