Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Warnai pandangan mu

Mewarnai dunia,
Idea nk tulis nie come up bila NN cakap,

"..esok ada test, baca buku baru ciput mata dah terlelap2 nie haa.."

Hahh! Banyak ag komplen yg ad aq dgr dari kawan2 yang mmg subjek nk menghafal jew.
Sok test, malam nie pulun abeh semua topic,
common~ aq xnak lah cam nieh..

so guys,mcm nielah aq ada jalan penyelesaian,
why not korang print out document or note2 slide korang dalam warna, imean full colour.
This is because, no one like black and white so much right?
somehow they need to used red or pink.
And its kinda fun actually looking ur note with colours!
Dan ntuk yg stay up memalam tu an, membantulah korang mengingat dan stay fokus and happy setidaknya,
coz, imagine itam puteh, then mata ko kiri kanan mcm nk bawak F1,mau x pening?
Jadi belo nnt xmemasal kan?
so with colour, ur mind still on mood and stable.

This is why we - The DiDE - are okey staying up late to do our work,
because we need to apply colour on our sketches.
You, my fellow should be sometimes like us,
be creative, not to formal lah dude~


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