Friday, April 8, 2011

The Update on Triangular

Sebelum nie aq ada post tentang design headlamp ntuk KRISS Sapphire aq yang ada triangular  LED puteh tu,
unfortunately, that light goes off before the glory of AD DINNER came recently. But no worry coz before the event benda nie dah siap seminggu sebelum.. Kali nie instead using LED bulb, im using the ready made LED light that u can always see on customizing car.. There are blue, white, red, green, yellow and orange. So many variety.. Well mine? White as always.. Kali nie cuma butthurt sikit, coz sebelum nie aq kena cuma 20 engget jew instead 50 ringgit.. Damn!!!! But, thanks to 

TRUST MOTION Accessories & Air Cond Sungai Petani. Nice! ^^,


Hell Yeah smart bukan??

(WARNING: as i can told you before that ths design is protected under design pattern and under properties of SDesiGN design work Facilities, any usage or copying without permission may soon making your life in jail. Perhaps good people like you never be uneducated. You have been noticed.)

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